16 July 2007

Stacie and me went to Jo-Ann's.

I needed a zipper (more on that later...). The zipper aisle did not disappoint, but the "yarn" department was a different story.

It was a landscape of acrylic despair. A post-apocalyptic wasteland of nasty colors and textures. Stacie tried to make the best of it, bless her soul.

Someone had fun ironically naming these:

This colorway made me throw up a little:

On the ride home we saw a semi-interesting vanity plate:

Then Stacie made me a potholder that I didn't want.

The end.


Max said...

First, the so-called "clown vomit" sweater. Now, this perfectly nice colorway from dear old Red Heart that makes you "throw up a little". I just don't see the vomit in these things. I think you people exaggerate.

MadSumac said...

That ball of acrylic is the size of Stacie's head! scary....

Anonymous said...

""Can someone please tell me who buys this crap? ""

Yes ! ME ! And many other people...
It's very sad to judge people like you do.
Great if you have enough money to buy the yarn you want.
Acrylic are ok I think and affortable for many people who don't have money to buy "quality" yarns...