TNNA is a LOT of stuff to take in, and they didn't let us take any pictures on the floor. BUT so many fabulous things we bought. Full of inspiration, I came right home and cleaned out my stash in preparation.
And people were really cool. I got to rub elbows with the Ravelry folks Jess and Casey, Franklin of Panopticon, Teva Durham, Stephanie the Yarn Harlot, Erin of Imperial Stock Ranch, Lily Chin, Anya Safir (daughter of Jade Sapphire and a supa cool Brooklynite) and many many other lovely people - including Mr. Snub Nose at the front desk of our hotel, who kindly explained the lack of drugstores downtown.
Some small snapshots of last weekend:Proof that there are Starbucks everywhere, even Ohio. Bicycles are very popular in Columbus. YAY Columbus!
Here is Sean at an outdoor cafe. See that map? Those are all booths! Much iced coffee and tea was consumed while trying to figure out what to focus on.
If anyone is in Columbus, I highly highly recommend hitting up the Burgundy Room for dinner. Sean and I did two different "flights" - here is mine. It started with an Apple-Celery salad, then Portabello mushroom ravioli, then an Almond Beet puree that tasted a lot like a Hillel sandwich with the water crackers provided. Plus accompanying wines. So delicious, we had no room for dessert. Which was too bad because apparently Jeni's ice cream is world famous.
It was entirely overwhelming, but also completely wonderful to see so many fiber-lovers all gathered together from so many different places and paradigms all so happy to see each other and the merch. Oh, and did I mention Teva Durham had heard of this blog? Hey now!