12 August 2007

And that makes this another summer during which I do not read Moby Dick

We’re heading off for a week in Wellfleet today, and here’s what I’m bringing to read. It’s the End of the Summer of Self-Improvement (yep, had to drop out of intensive Spanish) and the beginning of Books I’ve Really Been Looking Forward To. (Come to think of it, we’re probably in the middle of that, as my all-day Hallowsthon is what put me irrecoverably behind in Spanish to start with.)

The Armistead Maupin was a birthday gift from Emily and Briana. I was so surprised! They had asked Joe for hints, but for a moment I thought they had seen into the heart of my secret hippie soul. I really loved these books, back in the day, and I will be so happy to take off the chill that Sure of You left me with. (That horrid Mary Ann! Maybe she redeems herself in this book...)

Now I wish to draw your attention to the fourth book down, Sons of Heaven, by Kage Baker. This is the final volume in a series about a race of time-traveling immortal slaves, some of whom might be plotting against their masters. I cannot express how clever and absorbing they are; if you are not completely enchanted by the first one, Garden of Iden, you absolutely will be by the second volume, which made me shriek aloud. Try them.

That’s it then! The knitting is packed, the beach bags are packed, the tea is packed—we’re off. See you in a week.

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